Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sleep, Relief, Farts, and Fartlek

For the first time in the past few nights, I slept somewhat restfully (save for a 5am waking due to my son explosively passing gas, at which point I was voted most able to change a diaper). The soreness of the past few days was making it hard to get to sleep and stay that way, but now I'm pretty much over it. Time to tear myself down again!

The workout this morning went very well. I ran an aerobic fartlek on the lakefront, and stayed on grass. I'll also make this an opportunity to give a shout out to the newest Nike Free's, the 3.0, which are fantastic. They are worlds better than the 5.0 (no more stupid stretchy sock heel material, more flexible, much lighter, lower heel). The only beef I have is that they pick up sticks and rocks even more than the 5.0's, but this is the price to pay. I wear them on grass, and on the track. They are perfect for those venues. They don't work on trails where there are mid-sized rocks...they almost punched straight through the sole when I tried.

38 deg F, windy out of north
8.4 miles with 4.5 miles of aerobic fartlek on grass
1:01 total time
5x(5min on 1min off)

I clocked a half mile split at 2:46?! on the second to last repeat.

1 comment:

mainers said...

nice workout! agree with you on the Frees. they are my current shoe of choice for the track but not the trails because of the picking up pebbles problems!