Friday, November 16, 2007

More than a Hobby

I really enjoyed a recent post by Mike. The first paragraph was especially poignant, and I think it would be for many of us runners who have chosen to go above and beyond weekend warrior status to really see what we are capable of. The line that really got to me was: ...this running thing is still way more than a hobby.

I thought of it as I laced up my shoes after a morning physics workshop meeting, and headed out for an easy 8-9 mile run. I also thought of it as I was grunting with effort in my fourth minute long plank hold while doing core work at the gym this evening. Yeah, I guess it's a bit more than a hobby.

You can tell I'm getting tired when I just summarize somebody else's post. Goodnight.

42 deg F and windy
11:30 am
8.5 miles easy, 1:01
GI issues...probably due to weird schedule today (up early to get to workshop before first talk, and running close to noon, rather than early am, or before dinner)

7 min jog to gym
1 hr of core and weights
7 min jog home

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