Sunday, November 4, 2007

Getting in the Groove

Today's run was one of those where in the first 50 steps, you know it's going to go well. The weather was perfect this evening, just a bit before sundown. Not too chilly, and just a bit of a breeze out of the north. For this reason, I opted to go to the bike path, run on asphalt for a change, and do a measured aerobic run to evaluate my fitness after these 4 weeks of training. I kept my HR under 165 for the most part (80% of max), and ran 7 marked miles out of a total 10.

It's great when things align like this...your form and rhythm are just right, and your steps feel effortless despite the tempo. Getting in the groove is a big motivation for running for me. When these days come along, running is a complete joy. I don't think you can get the same feeling without banking the miles. It's a gift from the running gods for the hard work that you've done. And, more importantly, a gift from my wife and son, who let Dad take out an hour each day for an admittedly anti-social hobby.

10 miles aerobic running
2m buildup to pace
2m 13:14 (HR 161 avg)
2m 13:05 (HR 163)
2m 12:46 (HR 164) wind now to my back
1m 6:27 (HR 164)
1m cooldown back home

I'm very happy with this (esp. after the 71 mile total in singles for this week...more than I've done in a while).

So now I'm at my target mileage. I'll see-saw again these next two weeks, and then try to remain at 70mpw for a bit doing a 2-1 or 3-1 base to recovery ratio depending on how things go.


Adam said...

Hey Hubitron,

Just ran across your blog and wanted to say hello. Anybody that tracks their HR during a run is somebody I can relate to;) If you don't mind I'll link your blog to mine so I can keep in touch. Let me know if you'd prefer I didn't.

Hubitron said...

Hey there aharmer,

Thanks for the link! If you don't mind, I'll do the same. However, I have to admit/warn you that I'm sporadic about HR monitoring. It was definitely useful for this particular run to have better knowledge of the effort I was outputting, and useful for days when I'm already feeling crappy, and need to take it easy.

It is a useful tool, but I like to race minimalist, so I don't want to get too attached to it, I guess.

Welcome to Athleticore, by the way. It's a great training log.

Mindi said...

Hey guys. I just found your blogs too and have linked to them on mine as well. I recognized you from Coolrunning. I do not run nearly as fast as you too, but I do the HRM thing and the high mileage so I am interested in your training and progress. Let me know if you'd prefer I didn't link to you. I am new to the blogging thing and don't want to irritate anyone!

Mindi (aka runninlaw)