Sunday, November 18, 2007

Progressions to Progress

I ended up running another progression run today. This is to be distinguished from a tempo run style progression...I guess I would call it an aerobic progression. I used the heart rate monitor today, and started out very easy, at 130bpm (about 65%), and over the course of 10.2 miles, worked up to 165bpm, or about 82 % max. It was a nice run, and it left me feeling refreshed.

My wife's family is making it into town this week, so it's time to scour the apartment, and make it look like we live like self-respecting citizens. Welcome to turkey week, everyone.

42 deg F windy
10.2 miles, 1:19 (7:45 pace, although much faster/slower towards the end/beginning)

74.5 miles total at an avg of about 7:40 pace

1 comment:

Mindi said...

Nice way to cap off an impressive week!