Thursday, December 20, 2007

Not Much

to report. Calf is feeling good, I'm behind on x-mas cards and gifts, and a tad hung-over from a party at a friends house last night.

Run was uneventful except for a mid-course pit stop. Trudged about a half mile through the snow on the golf course to see how it was before getting back on the lakefront path. I might do an easy run through the snow sometime soon. I have a very talented Russian master's running friend who swears by deep snow running for improving efficiency. Once upon a time this guy ran 10 marathons in 10 days, all right around 3 hours. I was impressed.

34 deg Lakefront South light breeze
Aerobic 7.4 miles 54:00 (7:12) Avg HR 158


Anonymous said...

Didn't those original Fartlek Finns (it was the Finns, correct?) do a lot of this in the winter to get ready for the Spring season? I agree, I think that this kind of training could have terrific benefit--come to think of it, don't a lot of these runners also do a lot of XC Skiing or Snowshoeing as well?

Mindi said...

You know, one of my favorite runs ever was a 20 miler through 9 inches of fresh snow. It was a mess, it was slow, but boy was it fun (imagine hurdling big snow piles) and boy was I sore in so many crazy places afterwards!!

We had some warmer temps the last couple of days (almost 40!!!!), but it looks like another storm is rolling through. Tis the season. Happy Holidays!!