Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas Crunch

Procrastinators unite! Okay, so we're trying to do all gifts, send out Christmas cards, and simultaneously clean the apartment up from its current dismal state. The Christmas cards that I picked out without my wife present are apparently hideous beyond all rational possibility, and so we had to go out and buy new ones.

Last night, after the fake tree that I bought made my dear wife cry, I went out and bought the real deal. I'm much happier with the result anyway. The smell of a Christmas tree is just too ingrained in my happier childhood moments to be satisfied completely with the plastic. It's a little tree, but a really full one. It's actually our first Christmas as a family unit. In previous years, we've always traveled to either of our places of origin. Somehow the prospect of airline travel this year just didn't appeal.

Running has been reasonable.

45! deg wind from south Lakefront Path
10.1 in 1:11:00 (7:01)
Felt kind of crappy on the way in. Probably dehydrated.

35 deg no wind
7.75 through snow 1:03:00
Nice run on the snow. Not really anything hardcore. A lot of it was melted already, but there were a few spots with deep drifts to wade through.


Mike said...

Yes, real trees are quite a pain in the neck. And yes, it seems only the real thing will do when it comes to satisfying the better half. Perhaps that would change if they were the ones hucking it on top of the car, tying it down, then ending up with sap in their hair for days. I know I'll never find out!

Mindi said...

Heh. Yep, never let your wife rope you into getting something as important as Christmas cards. Dissatisfaction is inevitable. LOL.

Congrats on the real tree and first Christmas as a family at home. IMO, that is WAY better than travelling for Christmas. Especially when you son gets older. The magic of waking up on Christmas morning is amazing. We *almost* went to FL for Christmas this year and I am so glad we didn't.

Hubitron said...

To be fair to my better half, I have to clarify that the fake tree was a really really bad one. They had only slim pickings when I got to the store. After we took it out of the box, we realized how shameful it was. Rather than go out again into the madness that is any shopping area in Chicago, I went around the block to a x-mas tree lot, grabbed a tree, and then got a stand at an Ace Hardware. Since it was a small one, lugging it around wasn't too tough.

As for the's tough for either of us to go shopping at the moment, but especially the wife since she's his food supply as well. I told her I would get the cards, and she did forewarn me that she wanted to be there. I'll take such warnings more seriously in the future.