Friday, December 7, 2007

Back Again

I've been out of the 'sphere lately...mainly due to injury and work. After Thanksgiving, a tempo run strained my calf (the same one I strained a couple of months ago), and I had to take some time off for it to heal. It's just about back to normal now, although it still creeps in during some runs. I'm also feeling a little under the weather at the moment, so I'm keeping this one short.

7 miles with a 4 mile tempo-lite thrown in
1.5 WU 6:23 (with hill), 6:07, 6:05, 5:57 1.5CD
Felt pretty relaxed and strong.

I've been doing some good strength training in the gym lately. Lots of core, and some weights. I think it's helping, but we'll see. There's snow on the outdoor track now, so I'll probably be heading to the indoor track once a week to get my "running economy" workout in.


Anonymous said...

I wondered where the hell you went...I was thinking about you when I heard a story on NPR about this new theory floating around the physics world by some former-physist-turned-surfer, called, if I'm not mistaken, "the theory of everything".

Anyhow, what are you doing for core work. Don't make the mistake I made: low to medium volume can see you in the weight room a good amount, but if you start to put in the higher miles, you'll need to ease of the weights

Hubitron said...

Hi Tusca,

Core work is mainly planks, medicine ball stuff (butt on the floor, legs and torso just above the ground, left to right with the ball, slowly bringing the ball upwards and downwards...really tough on the obliques), single leg drills (ball to floor and then above head, and this other thing with a weight machine that I don't really know how to describe) and some leg curls, and single presses without much depth.

I'm pretty sure I know the reason I got hurt again. I went for 2 days without running while I was crazy over turkey holiday with my wife's family around. Then I busted out the door in shorts on a chilly day, and tried to throw 5:40 miles at myself. 3 miles into the tempo run, I felt sudden pain in my calf and stopped. Unfortunately I had to jog 4 miles to get back home.

Mindi said...

I was wondering about you too. Glad to see you back. Good luck with the recovery. I am going through the same thing. The good news is that this is the perfect time to be laid up (freezing with a ton of snow out there)!

Bryan said...

Nice to see you get back into training - we wouldn't want you to transform into a "hubitrino" with far too much mass to detect at even the most advanced finished line. (Or would that be a "shubitron"?)

Hubitron said...

Hi Brian,

Thanks! The little one is the 1 day shy of being 4 months old. Hmmm...who's the shubitron? Since the s is for "super-partner" I guess it would have to be my wife ;).