Saturday, December 29, 2007

Wrapping up 2007

The year is coming to end, as all good things do. My training was good this year, but not great. I definitely broke through to another level after last winter's high mileage experiment, and something changed with that training that I don't think I've lost, despite the setbacks I went through over the summer, and the life change this fall that hampered training, but could in no way be called a "setback."

My son was born, and life is quite different as a result. The ups and downs of being a parent are exhilarating. When things are good like in the picture from my last post, life is awesome...when he was sick soon after he was born, I don't remember ever being so down. Intense stuff, this life.

My 8k in the spring was a full 1:42 faster than the same race in 2006. I set a ~20s PR in the 5k on a very windy day on a track, on a training run, running solo with my wife timing me.

By Dec 31st, I will have logged a little more than 2200 miles. Almost 500 less than last year, but not terrible given the circumstances of this year. I'll probably put together a "data" post after the new year, so I'll refrain from giving more stats at the moment.

Today's run was pretty darn good. I ran on the asphalt for a change, on the lakefront. Pretty soon I found myself hitting 6:30's, and I stuck with it.

13.1 with 10 miles in 1:05:20 (6:32 pace)
lakefront (asphalt) 23 deg windy from west
total time 1:27:30
I kept to a 3-3 breathing pattern, resorting to 3-2 from time to time in the last couple miles (where I was running more like 6:15's). I'll note that in fall 2004, I raced 10 miles in 1:05:11, and that was a decent race for me at the time. Neato.

Since Christmas:
12/26 10.4 on grass aerobic
12/27 8.4 on grass aerobic
12/28 10.2 on grass slow recovery

1 comment:

Mindi said...

Sounds like a pretty darn good year to me. Congrats on all of your accomplishments. Here's looking to 08!