Thursday, December 13, 2007

Easy Days

Well, the day after my last post, my calf was really sore again. Too much too soon, probably. So I took the weekend off, missed monday because it's hard for me to get back in the rhythm again, and have been running easy since Tuesday. I've got to get this thing healed.

On a sad note, a completely out of reach goal has been put even further out of reach. To qualify for the 2012 Olympic Trials, one now must qualify with a 2:19 or better. A 2:19 is quite a bit faster than 2:22.

5.5 easy...running 6:40's or so
weights and core afterwards

5.5 easy about 6:50's

5.5 easy about 7:10's


Anonymous said...

I remember the good old days when 6:50s were easy days. What kind of shape do you think your in right now?

Hubitron said...

I really have no idea...I was hoping to run an indoor mile early this month, but it didn't happen due to this injury crapola. I don't think I've lost that much, but it's hard to tell when I'm only running a few miles a day. I need a workout that will tell me, but I don't think it's worth bothering until I'm back up to my basic mileage again. This up and down crap sucks, although it's better than down and down.

Anonymous said...

What's the coach think?

I'd imagine it might not hurt to do some kind of loose time trial once your base is back to normal--whatever that might be for you.

Anyhow, I'm sure once things get rolling, you'll be good.