Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Calm After the Storm Before the Other Storm

So there's a bit of down time now as we dropped off my sister-in-law and 2.5 year old nephew at their hotel. Due to the nasty weather here in Chicago-land, my brother-in-law won't be arriving until tomorrow morning. My MIL and FIL are fading fast on the couch after arriving a few hours ago. Tomorrow will be even busier though, since I will be stuck driving around more than I expected.

One thing I can say with 100% certainty at this point is that wife and I are NOT ready to deal with toddler + infant. It may be in large part due to us not yet having toddler-proofed the house. It's interesting that something I'm looking forward to so much (crawling, forward progress for the boy) can also be dreaded in some ways.

I've been getting pretty stiff. I think it has more to do with the driving than with the workouts, but we'll see how tomorrow's planned tempo goes (especially with the crappy weather we've been having).

Anyway, enough blogging while under the influence of Fat Tires.

45 deg raining and very windy
10 miles AM slow (1:17:00)


Mindi said...

LOL. Toddler proof? You just wait.... mahahahahah.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Anonymous said...

Dude, when those kids start to move, look out...for a person who can't walk (almost there, not quite), my daughter can move with Chuck Yeager on his best days.