Sunday, March 2, 2008

Crawling Back

Hola Amigos. It's been a while since I rapped at 'ya.

And if you don't know Jim Anchower, that made no sense to you at all. It's been a couple weeks of insanity, and very little running. I was sick as anything for my first interview, and still recovering through the second, but I managed to get in about 24 miles this week. The first two runs were rough, since my lungs still hadn't completely healed, but this weekend I got through a couple 8 mile runs lung-pain-free. My weight is still really low. Part of this is surely lower plasma volume due to de-training, but a large part of it is probably also bad diet during my travels, and poor appetite due to illness. I'll probably rebound soon.

7.5 minute miles feels kind of tough after 5 of them (at least tougher than it should), but I'm sure I'll be fine again after a week or so of training. My hope is to get back on the 3 week cycles after this coming week. My plan is to just do 50 or so miles of easy running, and then hop on to a maybe slightly modified program.

The storm is mostly over at this point, so hopefully there won't be any major setbacks for a while. It's tough to keep up the running when there are so many other things going on.

Wed 4 easy - pretty lousy, but felt a little better mentally afterwards

Thu 4 easy - still not great, but better then Wed

Sat 8 easy - felt okay, but was tired after 5 miles

Sun 8 easy - felt okay, but same as Sat...


Anonymous said...

And if you don't know Jim Anchower

The Onion of still going to give Shamrock a roll, albeit a more restrained effort?

Hubitron said...

Shamrock is a go...if I can get a bib. I just checked online registration, and it is closed. I hate having to register for races before race day, never mind signing up more than a month in advance.

Bloody hell.

Mindi said...

I am glad you are feeling well. I hear you - I got knowcked pretty hard with something that is still lingering. It doesn't make running easy - that's for sure. It is nice to have this warmer weather though! I am doing the Madison Shamrock Shuffle and am a little scared- it will be an ego check for me, no doubt.

Good luck to you!!