Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Few Moments of Calm

Running has not existed since last Sunday for me, and that run was probably not a good idea. I've been extremely sick for the past week, and the two of those days were spent in the psychologically grueling experience of an interview for a university faculty position. I woke up Thursday morning feeling the worst I have in a long long time. I have a feeling, though, that this was more from overdosing myself on various cold medicines to get myself through the interview process than anything else. I also stepped on the scale this afternoon, which read an eye-popping 142.6 pounds. This is at least 5 pounds below my normal low end fluctuation in weight.

Hopefully I'll be back to running soon. The sickness is clearing out now, although my tubes are still pretty scratchy. If any of you have Riccola stock, you might want to sell now though, and buy back once it stabilizes again after my candy sucking spree.

I actually slept (off and on) until 1-2 pm today. That was pretty awesome. The whole family was all napping for the whole morning. We're gonna have to make that a Saturday tradition until R grows out of it.

So running....last run was Sunday, weather was really nice (which is why I went out against better judgement). It was about 4 miles, and I didn't even bring the watch.

It's gonna be a little while before I'm back up to speed, especially since I've got another interview this next week, but hopefully I'll at least be healthy by the end of that.


Mindi said...

I hope you feel better soon. I have been stricken with a nasty bug this week too. Boy it makes you realize how much we take our health for granted.

Woo Hoo - it is warm in these parts today. I hope you have a chance to get out there. This weekend was the first weekend in almost 6 weeks I have been able to run outside since we have had a 2-3" layer of ice on the residential streets. Hopefully Chi-town has been better.

Good luck on the interview!!

Hubitron said...

It is indeed warm today! We hit 50 this morning, and my wife took R out for his first trip in the jogging stroller. Sounds like it was successful, although I got locked out of our apartment when she took off.