Saturday, February 2, 2008

Stop...Nanny Time

even more awesome than Hammer Time. We had a new nanny start this week to help out so my wife can actually work on her Ph.D. She seems absolutely great. Like night and day compared to our last nanny. Now we have to make sure we can keep her. Boy's sleeping habits have been adjusted slightly, just in time for the nanny to be able to put him to sleep for naps. Phew.

Yesterday we woke up to another 5 inches or so of snow on the ground. Ugh. It's a big sloppy mess in my neighborhood right now, and nobody seems to be interested in plowing our street (it's been two days, and still nothing). I've been doing too much running on the indoor oval and treadmill, so my Saturday aerobic intervals were done on the lakefront path, despite there being a cm layer of snow everywhere, making it pretty slippery. I was extremely surprised to find myself hitting the prescribed paces, and even a little faster.

2m WU
1600m (5:28) 1600m rest
3x(2000m on 600 rest) with the 1st mile of each 2000 at 6:11, 6:08, and 5:54
20 min CD

HR averages were 167 - 164 - 170 - 172 for the timed miles.

The other workouts this week were pretty decent.

Thursday saw a 4x(300m fast, 300m rest) 49s-49s-50s-51s

Tuesday saw a 10 miler at 80% (6:32 pace)

The other days were recovery / strides.

Tomorrow will add a 15 mile long run to the week, putting the total precisely where it has been for the last 4 weeks...60.X miles. I've been a little disconnected from the other posts this week. Getting to be crunch time for these talks I have to prepare.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you have the Lycra biker shorts with the Stop Sign on the butt? You know, MC Hammer did a hilarious commercial for H&R Block (I believe) a couple years back. Apparently, now he's a minister.

Otherwise, that steady state workout looks really good. I think the Steady State run actually is very underutalized in American running, not sure why, but it's good.

I'm curious: how does the Steady State run tie into your overall plan and play to your speed strengths?