Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Perfect S*** Storm

So I'm out of the running picture this weekend, and next week will probably be fairly laid back. After a speed workout last Thursday, I pinched a nerve, or something, in my upper back. An attempt at jogging on Friday resulted in pretty severe spasming and pain. Ibuprofen has done a good job of helping with the pain, and presumably the swelling and inflammation. Hopefully I'll be good enough to jog tomorrow.

This is in the middle of the wife and son both being sick. His fever was terrible for us to go through, especially since he had an infection when he was 10 days old, and the hospital experience was *NOT* a fun one. He's also old enough now to get very scared in hospitals. Thankfully the fever faded pretty quickly, but now it's replaced by the less stressful, but still very non-fun stuffed up baby. The biggest issue is that the little guy needs his nose to breathe while he eats. Most of you guys have kids, so I'm sure you're familiar with all this. So we've had the humidifier going full blast all week.

It's also in the middle of me trying to finish a project and get this job interview together. Tough stuff this week.

So this week has really sucked runningwise. I've only run on Tuesday and Thursday, and the little 3 miler jog on Friday.

Oh well. Time to get back to work.


Anonymous said...

Ah man, I'm sorry to hear the little guy's sick. These past couple weeks really have been really tough on the little ones.

Here's my fingers crossed things get back to normal soon. Take care, buddy; the running will fall back into place soon enough...

mainers said...

sorry to hear about the baby and evrything Hubitron. These things always seem to happen at once. You'll be through it soon...