Saturday, January 5, 2008

"This may look pretty intimidating..."

are the words Will used in his email before laying down my next 3 months of training. I have a feeling this is not what Tom has in front of him, since we likely have different strengths to play off of, even if our PR's are scarily similar. The schedule does look intimidating, to say the least. This is how it starts off:

Monday 7-Jan 45-60 fartlek w/ 4-6 x 200m strides at 1500m pace with 400 jog

Tuesday 8-Jan 10 @ 80% (or marathon pace)

Wednesday 9-Jan 45-75 easy (65-70% max)

Thursday 10-Jan 2wu + 4 x 300 (51) w/ 300 jog + 30-40 easy

Friday 11-Jan 30-60 easy (65-70% max)

Saturday 12-Jan 2wu + 1600 (5:36) w/ 1600 jog + 4 x 1600 (6:00) cut downs w/ 400 jog + 20 warmdown

Sunday 13-Jan 15 miles (start at 65% build to 75%)

and it does not get much easier. This looks like 60-75 miles a week of volume, with a lot of rather high intensity running. This is a very small window, of course, into the training plan, and it is open to change. Will is working under the assumption that I'm like other "middle distance" type folks, and I am able to recover fairly quickly from the fast paced work (the liberal scattering of 68-70 second 400's throughout the schedule for example), and so I have a large number of workouts with mile-5k race pace intervals.

This actually looks a lot like a "grown-up" version of what I was doing in high school, sans the snowball fights and tree climbing when we should have been doing recovery runs.

There are some things to be ironed out, but a season is manifesting itself. It will be interesting to see how my body responds to this experiment. I have a feeling it will hurt pretty bad the first week as I'll be recruiting some different muscle groups to do the fast stuff, but that it will become business as usual after 3 weeks. We'll see!


1/5 9 miles easy (141 HR avg, 7:33 pace)

1/4 8 easy through snow (145 HR avg 8:30 pace)

1/3 6 easy (7:27 pace)

I've been doing some extra stretching to prepare myself for the faster stuff. It requires a much larger range of motion, which is why I think I get so sore after doing it for the first time in a while. Maybe it'll help.


Anonymous said...

This is certainly not what I have in front of me! But then again, you're more developed as runner than me, so I'm beginning to get a sense of what I may have to look forward to...

Mindi said...

Wow! Good luck. And I think you are right on with continuing the stretching, etc. Also be sure to get some extra sleep and eat well to support this! I am really looking forward to seeing how you guys do with Will. I have a feeling I will be looking for a coach in the next 6 months or so.

I hope you are enjoying the heat wave that has descended upon us! Today was the first day I was able to run on clear streets in at least 3 weeks!!

Hubitron said...

I have a feeling it has a lot to do with my physiology. I don't really think I'm more developed as a runner. I haven't been at it for that long, really, due to the long break I had after HS.

I do happen to respond really dramatically to strength training and drills. The two places where I think I can get the most bang for my buck are in aerobic development, and economy. While economy is improving with increased mileage, I have a limit to the amount of time I can dedicate before the stress is too much. The mile race pace stuff should be really good for my economy. It seemed to be doing really good things before my Thanksgiving calf strain. Will is just having me do more of it, in addition to more hard tempo intervals.

Thanks Mindi,

I don't know about the extra sleep...I get what I get, these days. It's usually okay. Eating last two dinners have been roast duck and wild boar. I'm guessing that that's not what you meant by "well" though!

It was 57 deg F when I hit the path for my 14 miles today. Unbelievable. It's supposed to hit 66 tomorrow here in Chicagoland.

Tom said...

Dude - you are definitely eating well!! I think half my problem is that after watching my 2 kids "eat" I have no appetite. Just visulaize Tusca's cake pictures...

That is quite a schedule. I don't really know what I'll be looking at for mine. Probably not that far off.

Will thinks that I am coming from from more strength and need to see more speed in my schedule. It will be interesting to see (like you are saying) how we can adapt with recovery.