Sunday, January 27, 2008

I got yo' Hadd test right heeeah!


I was pretty psyched on my long run today to find that my pace at 65-75% has dropped dramatically. 131bpm put me at 8:10-8:20 pace, 140 put me at low 7:40's, and 151 put me under 7. This is compared to 9min pace, 8:10 pace, and 7:30 pace, respectively, 2 weeks ago. For reference, my max HR is probably about 203 (taking a measurement from 3 years ago and subtracting 3). It just happened...just like that...all of a sudden. It's interesting to note that I'm now the "magic" 6 weeks into training again. Daniels and others have said that 6 weeks is the time it takes the body to adapt to a given training load. 3 weeks of that have been under Will's instruction, and the 3 weeks before that were 60-70 miles a week of aerobic running. We'll see what happens after another 3 weeks. My resting HR has plunged as well. I'm back under 40bpm again, for the first time since last winter.

Thus ends the first 3 week training cycle.

I'm fairly used the pattern now:

Mon easy running with strides at 5k-10k race pace

Tue hard aerobic run (8-10 miles 85% or 80% respectively)

Wed recovery

Thu mini-workout - mile race pace intervals 200m-600m in length + easy running

Fri recovery

Sat focus workout - tempo/speed/10k drill

Sun long run - 15 miles starting at 65, slowly building to 75%, 12 if 10k drill on sat

The 10k drills are the major workouts. I had my first one yesterday, and it went fairly well. Yesterday was 400m at goal 10k pace, 400 float (6-7min pace). Every 3 week microcycle, the length of the on parts increases, so in 3 weeks I have 800 on 400 float. Eventually, this gets all the way to 1600 on, 400 float! This will be sometime after the Shamrock Shuffle in late March.

Food is the topic of the week it seems. Part of being an athlete seems to be an obsession with food. What do I eat to be healthier? What about to be faster? I've come to the conclusion that nutritional science is too young and complex of a field to take much of the recommendations seriously. I do my best to stay as far away from foods born from recommendations made by the diet industry

I'm kind of tired of hearing people say "Calories in = calories out! It's so simple!" While the first part is true, in principle, the "simple" part is complete bull. Metabolism and appetite are extremely complicated things. People understand some parts of it, but the complex interaction of different food products with the human body seems very poorly understood. For now, I'll stick to "real" foods, stuff that great-grandma would recognize as food, and try to get a good share of veggies. I think that's good enough.

Have a great week everyone!


mainers said...

looks like the training is going well Hubitron!

Hubitron said...

Definitely not dissing on your sugar free pudding, dude...that is unless your intake is measured in gallons per week...

Don't be envious of the MHR either. My cynicism and dry humour have shriveled the thing down so that it's not pumping much of my blood through it anyway.

Thanks for the tips on sleeping habits. I don't think we can handle the crying it out bit...even for a couple days. The sound is just too piercing when he's really really gives me actual physical pain.

Will actually sent us some advice from his wife too, after reading the blog. A coach on all fronts, truly. We're gonna try to gently change his habits. I've been calming him down most nights now with reading and singing, and getting him to the threshold of sleep at which point I pass him on to the wife, or put him in his swing. So far so...reasonably okay.

Hubitron said...

Mainers, thanks. It's awesome to see you back at it again. Ease yourself back in. Those trauma type injuries can really last. That was my worst injury last year...slipping on an icy sidewalk while making a turn...splat.

Anonymous said...


See, Will's a good guy, no doubt about it. I'm glad he's reading your blog and giving you some thoughts on how to get the baby down. Like I said, at the end of the day, you've got to do what works best for you; however you go about it, I'm sure you'll find the rhythm. First time parenthood is tough--but fun, no one tells you that, but it's really true!

Anyhow, I'm glad the training is going well. It'll be exciting to see where we're at in a few months!

Bryan said...

You think that is really air you're breathing, grasshopper? You think that is really a heart having that heart-rate? You can't have a heart rate of zero -- that's impossible. Until you realize... there is no heart!

As for the diet stuff, sounds like you've been imbibing your Michael Pollan. Hopefully it will be spring before you hit the phase of only eating what you have personally hunted or gathered.

Take it easy at the lab though, if there's one way to mess up your diet it's the quark-gluon soup.

Okay, so I'm envious too.