Friday, January 11, 2008

How to Run Easy Days?

This has been the hardest part of the schedule so far. My body just doesn't feel right when I try to run at 65-70% HR. Too much clunking around, and I never get to hit a stride. It's fine, since I get lots of opportunities to run fast in this schedule, but I just thought it was interesting. It could be that I just need practice, though, and I'll become more economical at these efforts. My pace literally varies by a factor of 2 between the fast reps and the beginnings of easy runs.

Yesterday was pretty easy, with some 300m repeats thrown in, and today was a slow jog on the treadmill to get ready for tomorrow's somewhat tough workout.

Very easy 49 min jog, a lot of it on grass. Kept HR around 135.

2m wu with a couple 100m strides to get loose, then 4x300m with 300m-400m rest (50.9 - 52.0 - 50.8 - 49.8) and then an easy 30 or so minutes, keeping HR below 150.
( Will's been reading the blog, and pointed out that only the Monday workouts are supposed to be scaled back a bit, hence the 1500m pace stuff again ).

Jog to gym, jog 4 on treadmill (since it was well after dark, and my neighborhood isn't so nice in the later hours) and then jog back home.


Anonymous said...

That's what's hardest for me, too; I love running on feel, but my "feelings" sometimes get me too wired and I run way too fast.

It does take some getting used to, but you'll begin to find your pace. If anything, it's taught me to relax on training runs and just enjoy the surroundings.

And at the end of the day, you folks like Wejo talking about running most of his miles no faster than 7:00 and he's high 28 10k guy!!!

Mindi said...

Yep, I have (and still do) struggle with this. I feel like my legs and feet are bricks when I run slow. So I try to concentrate on "running lightly" just to ease up on my body too. Sometimes that helps.