Monday, January 7, 2008

One Down, 83 to Go

Workouts that is, in my 12 week plan leading up to my mid-season race, the Shamrock Shuffle 8k.

Today's workout was great, with the insanely high temps we've had the last couple days. The thermometer read 66 deg F when I went out the door to head to the track for a fartlek with 4-6x200m at 1500m race pace thrown in. I did 3 on + 1 lap rec + 2 on + rest of lap rec + 1 on + rolr, and then got into the 200's. 34.6 - 35.9 - 32.7 - 34.6 - 33.5, and after a couple more minutes of jogging, another 3 on. "On" started at around 5:50 pace, at the beginning of the workout and came down to about 5:35 pace by the end. Total of about 6.25 miles. The 200's are oscillating because of a pretty strong wind from the South, probably the same wind that brought the near 70 deg heat wave our way.

Tomorrow sees me running at 80% MHR for 10 miles. We'll see how the legs feel tomorrow (and the foot after dropping a pot lid on it while cooking tonight's oven baked risotto).

I really love food, by the way. I'm definitely not a run-to-eat guy, just a runner who happens to really like food.


Anonymous said...

IMHO, cooking Risotto is harder correctly is harder than that workout...

Hubitron said...

I don't know if it came out "correct," but it was definitely tasty (although slightly oversalted...I used a new parmesean that was quite a bit saltier tasting than those I've used in the past...almost like a romano).

This recipe was actually very easy, since it's just baked. Probably a crime in culinary circles, but it comes out pretty darn good, although the texture isn't true risotto.

I figure risotto is just grown-up mac-and-cheese anyway ;-)