Sunday, January 27, 2008

I got yo' Hadd test right heeeah!


I was pretty psyched on my long run today to find that my pace at 65-75% has dropped dramatically. 131bpm put me at 8:10-8:20 pace, 140 put me at low 7:40's, and 151 put me under 7. This is compared to 9min pace, 8:10 pace, and 7:30 pace, respectively, 2 weeks ago. For reference, my max HR is probably about 203 (taking a measurement from 3 years ago and subtracting 3). It just happened...just like that...all of a sudden. It's interesting to note that I'm now the "magic" 6 weeks into training again. Daniels and others have said that 6 weeks is the time it takes the body to adapt to a given training load. 3 weeks of that have been under Will's instruction, and the 3 weeks before that were 60-70 miles a week of aerobic running. We'll see what happens after another 3 weeks. My resting HR has plunged as well. I'm back under 40bpm again, for the first time since last winter.

Thus ends the first 3 week training cycle.

I'm fairly used the pattern now:

Mon easy running with strides at 5k-10k race pace

Tue hard aerobic run (8-10 miles 85% or 80% respectively)

Wed recovery

Thu mini-workout - mile race pace intervals 200m-600m in length + easy running

Fri recovery

Sat focus workout - tempo/speed/10k drill

Sun long run - 15 miles starting at 65, slowly building to 75%, 12 if 10k drill on sat

The 10k drills are the major workouts. I had my first one yesterday, and it went fairly well. Yesterday was 400m at goal 10k pace, 400 float (6-7min pace). Every 3 week microcycle, the length of the on parts increases, so in 3 weeks I have 800 on 400 float. Eventually, this gets all the way to 1600 on, 400 float! This will be sometime after the Shamrock Shuffle in late March.

Food is the topic of the week it seems. Part of being an athlete seems to be an obsession with food. What do I eat to be healthier? What about to be faster? I've come to the conclusion that nutritional science is too young and complex of a field to take much of the recommendations seriously. I do my best to stay as far away from foods born from recommendations made by the diet industry

I'm kind of tired of hearing people say "Calories in = calories out! It's so simple!" While the first part is true, in principle, the "simple" part is complete bull. Metabolism and appetite are extremely complicated things. People understand some parts of it, but the complex interaction of different food products with the human body seems very poorly understood. For now, I'll stick to "real" foods, stuff that great-grandma would recognize as food, and try to get a good share of veggies. I think that's good enough.

Have a great week everyone!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The White Stuff

Just keeps coming. The temps were real low the second half of this week, and there was a good hard snow on Monday night. I ended up running on Tuesday for 10 miles at a pretty hard effort, running over a minute slower a mile than I would have on flat, non-snow-covered ground. Thursday's mini workout was 6x200m with 200m float inbetween. That was run at a temp of about 3 deg F. Yuck. Wed and Fri were recovery, and today was the Saturday bear workout.

I wanted to head to the indoor track again, but varsity softball girls were back to the damn TM for a hard workout. 6 miles of 400 on (1:20) 400 float (1:40 avg). This was tougher than last week's workout, but not gut-busting until I took the float parts faster (1:37) in the last couple miles of intervals. Having a friend running next to me helped, but conversation was somewhat limited as I got to the later stages of the run.

I've managed to complete destroy my Leopard installation on my new mac (I'm used to linux as a primary OS, and there it's pretty damn hard to do something that will not allow your computer to boot). By attempting to downgrade Quicktime to an older version that could handle flash, the system was completely hosed, so far as I can tell. This is the best way to learn how to do things with a computer though...kill it and fix it...kill it again, fix it again. Very time consuming though.

How do you folks put your kids to sleep? Our boy is 5 months now, and we're trying to wean him from needing to fall asleep while feeding. There doesn't seem to be any other way that he'll go to sleep except crying himself out of consciousness, and this is exceedingly painful for all involved. Any ideas?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Third Time's the Charm?

It was cold again on Sunday. 4 deg F when I eventually left the house, -12 or so with windchill. 2 hours out in the cold was on the agenda. I dressed up, and hit the road, where dressing up involved wearing wool socks. At about halfway through my 15 miles, my middle toe on my right foot started throbbing a little. Uh oh. This is the toenail that I've lost twice already, once after a 20 miler in racing flats that were a tad too small, and the second time on a very humid day when I raced a half marathon. Every time it comes back, it's just a little bit uglier.

Maybe this time it's just going to decide that enough is enough, and not bother growing back. Not like I would deserve any better, the hell I've put that little guy through.

The cold wasn't actually that bad. A few times the wind was on my face, and it was annoying, but otherwise I was dressed plenty warm enough. The toe is still pretty unhappy, and will probably be splitsville in a couple weeks. Hope I didn't ruin anyone's dinner.

6.5 miles or so, mostly on grass with 4x200m strides on the Jackson Park track (41-40-39-38). Pretty nice progression down in time as I loosened up.

15 miles starting at 65%, working up to 75%. Kind of tired by the last 4 miles.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Running Fast, Going Nowhere

Weather said "3 deg F, -15 with wind chill," and I replied, "&*^% you very much!"

I was going to do todays pre-10k drill workout on the indoor track, but an invitational was happening, so no go...headed to the treadmill to do an equivalent workout. Will said 6x(800m (2:48) 200m rest 300m (57) 300m rest), and I said, that's just fine. I felt pretty good today, and I didn't even get bored on the TM, what with the pace switching up so much. I started the .5 mile repeats at 5:36 pace (1.5% grade), and eventually took the pace down to 5:27, since I was feeling good. The "300"'s started at 5:07 (probably should have started a little faster...57s is 5:04 pace), and I did the last couple repeats with 5:00 pace. I just sandwiched the 300's on at the .6 mark of every mile, and kept it up for 1:00 at pace.

The other workouts this week were pretty chill.

~50 min easy (65-70%)

2m WU, (400m - 400 rest - 600m - 400 rest - 400m - 400 rest - 200m) (70.1s - 1:52.3 *ugh* - 71.2s - 35.1s) - 30min jog
Weather was terrible. Rain and snow during the day froze about 200m into the first 400m due to a sharp drop in temps. Track ended up pretty slippery. Wind was 19mph or so. Workout wasn't so bad considering.

~50 min easy (65-70%)

I finally received a computer on order for work, so my productivity will be increasing, which means I'm gonna be busy as hell the next couple weeks. Publication deadline, and a few major talks in the next month to prepare. My first colloquium...that should be fun.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Just in Time

Saturday's workout was pretty tough. The times Will lay out for me were 2 wu, 1600 in 5:36, 1600 jog and then a slower set of cutback 1600's with 400 rest, ending with a 6:00 final 1600. Then 20 minutes of jogging afterwards. I was feeling a lot too frisky at the starting line of the first 1600, and blew out a 37.5 sec. 200...nope...I'm not gonna make a 5:00 mile happen on this one, time to slow it down a bit. I ended up hitting 5:32, so the rest was more or less on pace.

Then 6:24, 6:10, 6:04, and 5:57. Not too bad. I was happy with the workout, but I was feeling pretty flat by the end. Another 2-3 miles later put me at home. Later that night I felt the soreness creeping on, and by the next morning, I was stiff as hell. The Sun long run went okay...I ran the first 4.5 miles at 9 minute pace, but I could really feel my hamstrings. There was a lot of microtearing in them, especially on the right side. I slowly picked things up from 65 to 75 percent MHR over the course of 15 miles, and was running 7:0X by the end, although there were definitely some twinges.

I relayed my slight worry about the tightness to Will, and he calmly asserted (if one can assert in any way but calmly in an email without using all caps) that with the Mon easy run + light strides, I'd be 95% by Mon night, and ready to rip out a good Tuesday workout the next morning, just in time. Sure enough, the pain was light by Mon. night, and completely unnoticable when I hit the indoor track this morning for 8 miles at 85%. The weather was cold, and there was a slick layer of snow on the ground. A scan of the treadmills at the gym showed that I had too many undergraduate girls to compete with for space. I headed over to the indoor track, despite the wear and tear that 128 turns in 8 miles can inflict.

Again, I was too big for myself in the beginning of the workout. The first 1600 went by in 5:42...yikes. I put on the brakes a bit, ran 5:57, 6:00, 6:06, and then took things back under 6:00 for the remainder. 47:36 for 7.95 miles = 8*(1600m). The lactic burn settled in at around 5-6 miles, but my body learned to love and accept it, and I loosened up again a bit later. A lactic acid stomacache over breakfast was my body reminding me that I shouldn't be so rough on it. Overall, it was a really nice workout. My legs feel fine 12 hours later, and tomorrow's a nice relaxing easy jog. Tremendous hills, deep deep valleys... Thanks Will.

Friday, January 11, 2008

How to Run Easy Days?

This has been the hardest part of the schedule so far. My body just doesn't feel right when I try to run at 65-70% HR. Too much clunking around, and I never get to hit a stride. It's fine, since I get lots of opportunities to run fast in this schedule, but I just thought it was interesting. It could be that I just need practice, though, and I'll become more economical at these efforts. My pace literally varies by a factor of 2 between the fast reps and the beginnings of easy runs.

Yesterday was pretty easy, with some 300m repeats thrown in, and today was a slow jog on the treadmill to get ready for tomorrow's somewhat tough workout.

Very easy 49 min jog, a lot of it on grass. Kept HR around 135.

2m wu with a couple 100m strides to get loose, then 4x300m with 300m-400m rest (50.9 - 52.0 - 50.8 - 49.8) and then an easy 30 or so minutes, keeping HR below 150.
( Will's been reading the blog, and pointed out that only the Monday workouts are supposed to be scaled back a bit, hence the 1500m pace stuff again ).

Jog to gym, jog 4 on treadmill (since it was well after dark, and my neighborhood isn't so nice in the later hours) and then jog back home.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Steady State

Not too much time to blow...just the basics for now. Will has already pulled back on the reins a bit, and told me to go easier on the 200m - 400m repeats on Mondays and Thursdays to make sure I'm not zapped for the more serious Tuesday and Saturday workouts.

So today was "serious." Unfortunately, I packed everything except the transmitter for my heart rate monitor when I prepared to run from work later in the day, so no technical feedback. I went by feel, and probably went a little too hard, based on the numbers I ripped off (intended 80%MHR). On the Waterfall Glen course (see side-bar on right), I ran 6:22 average for 9.5 miles on rolling terrain, some of the few hills we have in the Chicago area. I kept a 3-3 breathing pattern for everything except for the longer uphills, so I probably wasn't doing too bad. In the last mile or two, my stabilizers were feeling a little sore, probably since the path was pretty rutted due to the recent thaw.

I'm going to appreciate tomorrow's easy day.

Monday, January 7, 2008

One Down, 83 to Go

Workouts that is, in my 12 week plan leading up to my mid-season race, the Shamrock Shuffle 8k.

Today's workout was great, with the insanely high temps we've had the last couple days. The thermometer read 66 deg F when I went out the door to head to the track for a fartlek with 4-6x200m at 1500m race pace thrown in. I did 3 on + 1 lap rec + 2 on + rest of lap rec + 1 on + rolr, and then got into the 200's. 34.6 - 35.9 - 32.7 - 34.6 - 33.5, and after a couple more minutes of jogging, another 3 on. "On" started at around 5:50 pace, at the beginning of the workout and came down to about 5:35 pace by the end. Total of about 6.25 miles. The 200's are oscillating because of a pretty strong wind from the South, probably the same wind that brought the near 70 deg heat wave our way.

Tomorrow sees me running at 80% MHR for 10 miles. We'll see how the legs feel tomorrow (and the foot after dropping a pot lid on it while cooking tonight's oven baked risotto).

I really love food, by the way. I'm definitely not a run-to-eat guy, just a runner who happens to really like food.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

"This may look pretty intimidating..."

are the words Will used in his email before laying down my next 3 months of training. I have a feeling this is not what Tom has in front of him, since we likely have different strengths to play off of, even if our PR's are scarily similar. The schedule does look intimidating, to say the least. This is how it starts off:

Monday 7-Jan 45-60 fartlek w/ 4-6 x 200m strides at 1500m pace with 400 jog

Tuesday 8-Jan 10 @ 80% (or marathon pace)

Wednesday 9-Jan 45-75 easy (65-70% max)

Thursday 10-Jan 2wu + 4 x 300 (51) w/ 300 jog + 30-40 easy

Friday 11-Jan 30-60 easy (65-70% max)

Saturday 12-Jan 2wu + 1600 (5:36) w/ 1600 jog + 4 x 1600 (6:00) cut downs w/ 400 jog + 20 warmdown

Sunday 13-Jan 15 miles (start at 65% build to 75%)

and it does not get much easier. This looks like 60-75 miles a week of volume, with a lot of rather high intensity running. This is a very small window, of course, into the training plan, and it is open to change. Will is working under the assumption that I'm like other "middle distance" type folks, and I am able to recover fairly quickly from the fast paced work (the liberal scattering of 68-70 second 400's throughout the schedule for example), and so I have a large number of workouts with mile-5k race pace intervals.

This actually looks a lot like a "grown-up" version of what I was doing in high school, sans the snowball fights and tree climbing when we should have been doing recovery runs.

There are some things to be ironed out, but a season is manifesting itself. It will be interesting to see how my body responds to this experiment. I have a feeling it will hurt pretty bad the first week as I'll be recruiting some different muscle groups to do the fast stuff, but that it will become business as usual after 3 weeks. We'll see!


1/5 9 miles easy (141 HR avg, 7:33 pace)

1/4 8 easy through snow (145 HR avg 8:30 pace)

1/3 6 easy (7:27 pace)

I've been doing some extra stretching to prepare myself for the faster stuff. It requires a much larger range of motion, which is why I think I get so sore after doing it for the first time in a while. Maybe it'll help.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Waiting with 'bated Breath

for my workout schedule from Will Steele, (also Tuscaloosa's coach) who is seemingly becoming the "bloggers coach." I sent him an email on New Years Eve, had a 10 message long email exchange, discussing what just the hell I thought I was doing with the training I was doing, and now we're working together on coming up with a plan for 'aught-eight that starts on Monday.

The good news is that I have very good foot speed, so it looks as if I have a long way to go before my aerobic capacity meets my HS 400m PR of 52 seconds. I hope it works like that.

The best part of this so far is that I feel like I have a direction for the first time in a while. Going at this on my own was becoming a bit of drudgery, even though I enjoyed my workouts. I just wasn't up to the challenge of sitting down, getting an idea of the big picture, and coming up with a plan that involved races. Also, I'm certain that while what I had in mind would have worked to some extent, that there is a better experiment to do, based on knowledge that I don't have about what has worked in best in the past for people with my running background.

Anyway, things are off and running well so far. I started a new job today also. New beginnings.

So what happened training-wise in 2007? I missed 140 days of running, and ran a total of 2210 miles. On the days that I ran, this is an average of 9.8 miles. 35 days were double days, so 260 total workouts. Each workout was an avg of 8.5 miles then.
A straight average yields 6.05 miles a day, or 42.4 miles a week.

Last few runs:
1/2 8
1/1 8
12/31 10.3
12/30 8.6

The most recent two were through slow snowy conditions.